What are Easter Eggs (Media)?

An Easter egg is an intentional hidden message, joke or feature included in media - such as movies, games, websites, etc. They are often playful but at times they are used to give credit to authors/creators/developers etc.

Here is a list of some Easter eggs on popular websites that we at Design Brooklyn really enjoy:


Facebook Easter Egg

Arrr, matey! Facebook included two fun language settings - Pirate and Upside Down. Change them in Accounts Settings > Language. Try it out yourself, see how long you can use Facebook in either languages and let us know!

Facebook Easter Egg


Google Easter Egg

You can also change Google’s homepage language. Try these out:

Pirate | Hacker | Piglatin | Elmer | Klingon | Bork

While you’re at it, check out our blog on other fun Easter eggs from Google.

Note: Our favorite is Zerg Rush. Try it out.

Google Easter Egg


Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon left an Easter egg on Amazon.com for former Amazon VP, David Risher. It’s a thank you letter to Risher for his hard work in helping build Amazon as a brand.

See the letter under a hidden link at the bottom of their full store directory.

Navigate to Shop by Department > Full Store Directory > at the bottom of the page is a hidden link.

Amazon Easter Egg


Click the pair of scissors (a few times) at the bottom of the Kickstarter homepage. You’ll be greeted with a nice little message from Kickstarter. Try it out!

Kickstarter Easter Egg

Konami Code

Press this combination of keys sequentially on http://konamicodesites.com/

Konami Code

Note: http://konamicodesites.com/ is a list of websites that the Konami Code works on. Every website has their own Konami code effect. Let us know which one is your favorite!

As an added bonus (Non-website):


Type about:robots in the address bar of any Mozilla browser (like Firefox).

Mozilla Easter Egg

Now try about:mozilla - you’ll be greeted with an interesting quote from Mozilla...

Mozilla Easter Egg

MAC Doctor - Try this if you have a Mac.

Open up terminal - Applications > Utilities > Terminal.

Type emacs, press ESC + X and type doctor.

If you’re feeling really adventurous type psychoanalyze-pinhead instead of doctor.

MAC Doctor

Now you have your very own mac Psychotherapist. Try talking to it.

Note: press ENTER twice after each message you want to send.

If there are any other fun and interesting Easter eggs you know about feel free to let us know. We always enjoy looking at new Easter eggs.

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